
Lent Dave Zuleger Lent Dave Zuleger

Lent: Week 7

Now we turn our eyes towards Holy Week—perhaps the most important week in all of history. We will pick up the pace with a daily devotional to follow Jesus from Palm Sunday to the grave.

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Lent Dave Zuleger Lent Dave Zuleger

Lent: Week 6

If our peace is in anything else––jobs, family, sports, health, popularity, comfort, or whatever else––it is unsteady. It can be taken away in a moment and thus life is as good as our latest achievement or failure––our latest good doctor's appointment or life-changing phone call. 

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Lent Dave Zuleger Lent Dave Zuleger

Lent: Week 5

We’re back in Revelation again, and this time we see how closely our death is linked with the death of Jesus. How do the people of God conquer?

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Lent Dave Zuleger Lent Dave Zuleger

Lent: Week 4

Jesus says that a grain of wheat is fruitful when it dies, for then it is able to bear much fruit. The death doesn’t look glorious (neither does suffering!) and you can’t even really see the work that is going on under the ground until much later.

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Lent Dave Zuleger Lent Dave Zuleger

Lent: Week 3

If you feel like you’re walking through a valley without any vision of the other side right now––you’re not alone. There’s a reason Psalm 23 has been a balm for the soul of so many followers of Jesus throughout the centuries.

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