Lent: Week 7

Introduction to Holy Week 

MARCH 24–30

Now we turn our eyes towards Holy Week—perhaps the most important week in all of history. We will pick up the pace with a daily devotional to follow Jesus from Palm Sunday to the grave. We’d encourage you to use this guide to continue to focus your heart. By now you’ve been through six different fasts or perhaps have stacked them all up on each other. We pray that fasting has led you to seek a deeper filling in the presence of Christ and that it has also prepared your heart to enter into Holy Week like never before. Until Sunday, there is still a verse to memorize and a fasting suggestion for these next few days. Keep pressing in. And then get ready to celebrate, because Easter is coming soon. 

Fasting Suggestion: Sleep

We are not suggesting that you give up sleep altogether. But perhaps you get up an hour earlier or stay up an hour later to spend a bit more time in the word and prayer. Do this by yourself or with a family member or friend. As you feel your fatigue, thank Jesus for his endurance on your behalf during the time leading up to the cross. 

Verse to Memorize: Revelation 5:11


Palm Sunday


Lent: Week 6