Lent: Week 6

MARCH 17–23

Fasting Suggestion: Shopping for Unnecessary Items 

It’s easy to turn to “stuff” for comfort. If you feel tempted to buy something you don’t need over the next few days, use that moment to go to the Lord in prayer for help believing that “no good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Psalm  84:11). 

Verse to Memorize: Review Revelation 5:1–10

Devotional by Pastor Dave Zuleger

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.––John 16:33

Let’s end our walk up to Holy Week with a direct quote and encouragement from Jesus. Jesus said this as he was walking with his face set toward the cross. Some warned him not to go, but he went knowing he needed to walk the road of suffering to bring many sons and daughters to glory. He had to go to purchase our eternal, unshakable peace in him. 

If our peace is in anything else––jobs, family, sports, health, popularity, comfort, or whatever else––it is unsteady. It can be taken away in a moment and thus life is as good as our latest achievement or failure––our latest good doctor's appointment or life-changing phone call. 

But Jesus says that if our peace is in him, we can walk through the (certain) trials of this life with the great hope that he has overcome the world. We take heart not in the circumstances that go well, but in the reality that he has died the death we deserved to die and been raised to conquer death––so that we too will conquer through suffering with him. 

South Cities Church, take heart; Jesus has overcome the world through suffering!


Lent: Week 7


Lent: Week 5