Exodus Sermon Series Helpful Resources

Join us as we journey together through the book of Exodus. We hope these resources will equip you to keep the big picture of Exodus in mind.

Sermon Series Videos

Watch or re-watch each sermon in the “Exodus: Delivered to Dwell” series.

The Recap Podcast Episodes

Posted Friday morning at 6am on the Pastoring Out Loud Podcast. Listen to a short sermon recap from the most recent sermon to help you prepare for the upcoming sermon.

10ofthose Bookstore

Enjoy more resources to bring additional context to Exodus. Includes titles specifically chosen for this sermon series such as "Ten Words to Live By" and "Exodus For You".

Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies

Bible studies this year will be going through the book of Exodus, using Jen Wilkin’s study. There are several different groups meeting.