
Our outreach ministries exist to reach all tribes, tongues, peoples, and nations through delighting in and declaring the glory of Jesus Christ. Our aim is to nurture and train many to become zealous goers to their neighborhoods and around the world. We do this through a focus on local, neighborhood outreach as well as global missions.

Neighborhood Outreach

  • 360 Communities — Our local food shelf and resource center for the homeless and poor. We partner with by providing food and money throughout the year for the sake of caring for our community.

    Amnion — The unborn among us are the least cared for in our day and age. Amnion seeks to provide caring support for mothers, fathers, families, and especially the unborn before and after birth.

    Arrive — The refugee and immigrant in the United States are often on the margins of society. Arrive works with the U.S. government to resettle refugees in Minnesota, and provides an opportunity for partner churches to provide hospitality in various ways for these families and individuals who have been displaced from their home countries.

  • Our mission is to reach our neighbors with the good news of Jesus Christ that we treasure so much; all our members are called and explicitly commit to praying for, caring for, and sharing the good news with all those they know. To be a disciple means to seek to show others the inestimable value of finding Jesus as Savior and following him as Lord.

    This means that our equipping of the church through the Word for the sake of the ministry (Ephesians 4:11–16) so that the saints can both care for each other and then, together, care for their neighborhoods by sharing the gospel and doing good works that point back to the goodness and greatness of Jesus.

    At times this means hosted events or organized outreach in the community, but mainly we simply seek that everyone in our church cares for people they know with the truth and love of Jesus.

Global Outreach

Our church is passionate about spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations. We are thankful for our many global partners who have been sent to share the gospel, and believe that those of us who have not been sent to the nations are called to send our global partners in a manner worthy of God (3 John 1:6).

  • Barnabas Teams: Each global partner sent by our church has a small team committed to regular communication with, prayer over, and other practical support of them and their ministry.

    Women in Missions: Women gather regularly to hear from one or more of our women global partners and pray together for God to build his kingdom among the nations.

    Pray: Most of our global partners regularly distribute newsletters with personal prayer requests. Annual prayer calendars are also available at the church that serve as helpful reminders to lift up our global partners in prayer.

  • Nurture Program: For those who are feeling God’s call to long-term cross-cultural missions, please contact us for more information about our Nurture Program, which helps prepare people to be sent from our church.

    Short-Term Trips: All are encouraged to go on short-term trips to catch a vision for what God is doing among the nations! Some trips visit our global partners, while others serve as vision trips for future ministry or a service trip to meet an expressed need.

    Global Partners: South Cities supports a number of long-term workers on the mission field. They work in church planting, community development, theological education, and more! For more information on our global partners, please contact global@southcities.church.