Wednesday Connection

Join us for dinner together, and groups & classes for all ages.


Wednesday Connection: September 18 – May 14

  • Gather with us for dinner and fellowship! Meal cost is $6 for anyone over 10 years, $4 for children under 10 years, or a $25 family maximum. You can pay at the door or through the Church Center app, by selecting "church meals" from the dropdown menu.

  • Everyone gathers together in the sanctuary for a brief time of worship through song.

  • See below for details about groups and classes for children, youth, and adults!



6:15–7:45pm, Room 231
Care for children ages 12 months–4 years.


6:15–7:45pm, Choir Room, Gym
Students PreK through Grade 5 will gather to hear a devotional, pray & sing together, and have games/activities with their peers. Parents, please escort children to the Choir Room at 6:15pm and pick up children at 7:45pm at the Choir Room.


6:15–7:45pm, Room 201
Following worship, join us as we fellowship through games, teaching, small groups, and youth-led worship. Our study this year is “Idols of the Heart: How do we rightly worship God by laying down our idols?” 


Truth on Fire Institute 

Wednesdays, September 18 – May 14
Nick Roen with questions and/or to apply.

Men's Bible Study: Exodus

Wednesdays, September 18 – May 14

Women's Bible Study: Exodus

Wednesdays, September 18 – May 14