Lent: Week 5

MARCH 10–16

Fasting Suggestion: Radio and Music 

Is your habit to turn on that station on your commute or to throw on those headphones to relax for a bit? This week, steward that time differently. Sit in silence with the Lord. Or open your Bible and hear from him that way (perhaps a Bible app during your commute). We are so prone to have something going on all the time. This week, consider being still in the presence of your Father. Let him speak to you.  

Verse to Memorize: Revelation 5:10

Devotional by Pastor Dave Zuleger 

And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.––Revelation 12:11

We’re back in Revelation again, and this time we see how closely our death is linked with the death of Jesus. How do the people of God conquer? By the blood of Jesus and by their witness to his death and resurrection. What happens when you witness to his death and resurrection in the midst of a culture that hates him and wants you to bow the knee to another king? You might lose your life. 

And yet, this is how conquering happens. Through faithfulness to the name of Jesus that brings suffering. In a place and time that is growing increasingly cool to the exclusivity of the gospel of Jesus and certainly the life that flows out of the gospel of Jesus, it is increasingly possible and maybe probable that allegiance to the name of Jesus will cost something. 

It might just be relationships, comfort, and popularity. But, there are circumstances where it could be more. When you encounter these losses, remember that the way to conquer is through suffering for the sake of the name of Jesus. This is the pathway to eternal joy and Jesus has walked it before us, purchased us by his blood, and promises to be with us until the end.


Lent: Week 6


Lent: Week 4