“The Books and the Book” — Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Revelation 20:11–15: The Books and the Book 

Introduction: Caught Up in the Story Now and Forever

  1. The Great White Throne (v.11)

  2. The Books (vv.12-14)

  3. The Book of Life (v.12, 15) 

South Cities Kids

Read Revelation 20:11–15

  1. What do you think of when you think of a throne? What does a throne mean? Who has been on the throne in the book of Revelation? (God! chs. 4-5) 
    If God is on the throne—what does that mean for our lives? What does it means for the world? 

  2. There are some books in this story. The books are from a prophecy back in Daniel 7. They are meant to represent a record of all of that we do. If God is holy and we need to be perfect to be with God forever—will anyone make it if they read the books about us?
    (No one can make it on their own works). 

  3. Those that don't trust Jesus and only have their own works cannot make it. But, there is another book—the book of life. This represents those who trust in Jesus because back in chapter 13 it was called "The Lambs book of life." Those who trust in the blood of Jesus have their names written in this book of life. 
    That means that even though the books can't save us on our own—if we trust in Jesus we can be in the book of eternal life—not because of our own works but because Jesus was perfect for us and died for our sins. 

  4. Those not written in the book of life are punished forever for not trusting in Jesus and trusting in themselves instead. And even all the evil powers of Satan that work to trick us and lie to us and tell us other things are better than Jesus are thrown away forever. That's good news. No more evil will exist. No more evil powers will exist. That means that the new heavens and new earth will be a perfect place forever and ever where we get to be with Jesus. 

  5. We should make sure we spend time telling others about Jesus so their names can be written in the book of life and we should trust Jesus ourselves—even today! 


“All Things New” — Pastor Dave Zuleger


“There’s Reign in The Forecast” — Pastor Daniel Viezbicke