“There’s Reign in The Forecast” — Pastor Daniel Viezbicke

Sermon Outline

Revelation 20:1–10 — There’s Reign in the Forecast: The Millennium and Rule of Satan

Introduction Part 1: All the Bitter Gone, Only Sweet Remains
Introduction Part 2: A Spectrum of Belief About the Millennium

  1. The Binding of Satan (20:1–3)

  2. The Reign of the Saints (20:4–6)

  3. The Ruin of Satan (20:7–10)

Conclusion: The Kingdom in Heaven, Come to Earth

South Cities Kids

  1. What's the most secure prison you can imagine? What kinds of things do you think make for a good prison? What kind of prison do you think God can make?
    In our text, we hear about a prison for Satan, God's enemy, that shows God is truly in charge.

  2. Do you ever play or pretend that you're a king, a queen, a prince, or a princess? Do you know stories of bad kings, queens? What is a good king or queen like?  
    For those who believe in Jesus, who follow him, who are his brothers and sisters (that's what the Bible calls us!), we get to rule with him! What's his rule like? Over everything, and always a good rule. 

  3. When bad guys lose in stories, what happens to them?
    They get stopped from ever doing bad again. That's what happens to Satan, which means that when Jesus returns and we rule with him, we'll never be tempted to do evil again... we'll only do good, always! 

  4. When you think about Jesus coming back, do you hope it happens soon? What makes you want him to wait to come back?
    Answers will vary, but perhaps that others would believe and be saved from going to hell! 


“The Books and the Book” — Pastor Dave Zuleger


“Praise for Holy Redemption and Retribution” — Pastor Dave Zuleger