“All Things New” — Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Revelation 21:1-8: All Things New

Introduction: A Vision of Treasure Meant to Help Us Endure Trial

  1. Out With the Old

  2. In With the New

  3. Life With God 

South Cities Kids

Read Revelation 21:1-8

  1. Do you notice any themes that keep getting repeated in these verses?
    (all bad gone, all good there, we get to be with God!) 

  2. Can you imagine a world with no pain? A world with no sin? A world where no one ever sins against you and you never sin against anyone else? A world where you never have hurt feelings or bad dreams? 

  3. Can you imagine being with God? What do you think that will be like? What is exciting about that to you? 

  4. Why do you think God gives us this picture of what it will be like to be with him? How does that help us now? 

  5. If you trust in Jesus—this is your future! Who do you know that needs to know Jesus so this can be their future as well? 


“A New City” — Pastor Dave Zuleger


“The Books and the Book” — Pastor Dave Zuleger