“A New City” — Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Revelation 21:9–27: A New City

Introduction: Future Reality for Present Rest

  1. The Holy People (vv. 9-14)

  2. The Holy Place (vv. 15-21)

  3. The Holy Presence (vv.22-27)

South Cities Kids

  1. Why do you think the Bible tells us how good it will be to be with Jesus forever? Why do you think it's important for us to know right now how good it will be then? How does that help us live differently now? 

  2. Why do you think this new city sounds a lot like the temple in the Old Testament or even a little bit like the Garden of Eden? What is that telling us about the temple? 

  3. Why do you think it talks about the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles? It's trying to show that this new city is a place where all of God's people from all times and all places will be with him forever!

  4. Do you know of another place in the Bible that was like a cube? (Height, width, length?) The Holy of Holies in the temple in the Old Testament was!
    That holy of holies in the Old Testament was a very special place where only certain, special people could go to meet with God. 
    But, now, if the whole city is that holy of holies—who can meet with God? Everyone there! And who is there? All who have trusted in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins and want to be with him forever!

  5. Why doesn't there need to be any of the sun's light in this new city? How bright and beautiful must Jesus be to outshine the sun? 
    What do you think it will be like to be with him forever? If it's so good to be with him forever —what are ways you can try to be with him more now? 


“The Heart of Our New Universe” — Pastor Daniel Viezbicke


“All Things New” — Pastor Dave Zuleger