“The Heart of Our New Universe” — Pastor Daniel Viezbicke

Sermon Outline

Revelation 22:1–5 — The Heart of Our New Universe: A River Flowing, a Tree Growing, a Throne Reigning

Intro: What's it like when there are no more tears?

  1. The River of Life (22:1–2a)

  2. The Tree of Life (22:2b)

  3. The Throne of God (22:3–5)

Conclusion: What is it like to reign eternally?

South Cities Kids

  1. Read Revelation 22:1–5. Do you know that heaven doesn't stay in heaven, but it's going to come to earth? That's what our passage is about. 

  2. What's the biggest tree you've ever seen? Biggest river? In our text, there's a huge tree and a huge river flowing from the throne of God. These are symbols... they tell us something true about God?

  3. Have you ever been thirsty? Like really thirsty? This river that comes from God tells us that we can be satisfied only in God, like water is what we really want when we're thirsty. 

  4. Do you realize that God wants you to be happy? Ever seen an animal that's really, really hot? This is like Psalm 121... where a deer pants after water. In Psalm 46 we're told that this river in God's city makes God's people happy. 

  5. What's the worst boo boo you've ever gotten? The tree that's in the new heavens and new earth is for healing.  In this place, everything that's broken will be healed, even death itself. All those who believe in Jesus and keep on believing in him no matter what will rule with him forever! 


“The Spirit and the Bride Say, ‘Come’” — Pastor Dave Zuleger


“A New City” — Pastor Dave Zuleger