“The Bride, the ‘Beauty’, The Beast” — Pastor Daniel Viezbicke

Sermon Outline

Revelation 17: The Bride, The ‘Beauty’, The Beast: The False City of Man Revealed

Introduction: Gardens and Cities, Good and Bad

  1. The Vision of the Woman and the Beast (17:1–6)

  2. The Interpretation of the Vision (17:7–15)

  3. The Future of the Woman (17:16–18)

Conclusion: What are You Seeking?

South Cities Kids

  1. When you think of the city, what do you think of? What's neat about the city? What don't you like?

  2. In the Bible, there are good cities and bad cities. In Revelation, there's a bad city called Babylon and a good city called New Jerusalem. What do you think bad cities are like?
    They love sin and distrust and hate God. What do you think good cities are like? They love and trust God and want to do what's right. 

  3. The idea of a bad city is that it leads us to distrust God by lying to us. What are some lies that we might believe that cause us to distrust God? 

  4. In Revelation, the people of God are on their way to a garden city called The New Jerusalem. What do you hope that city is like? What is the best thing about it?
    People who trust Jesus are there, with Jesus himself.  


“The Rise and Demise of Babylon” — Pastor Dave Zuleger


“Bowls for the Beast and Babylon” — Pastor Dave Zuleger