“The Rise and Demise of Babylon” — Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Revelation 18:1-19:4: The Rise and Demise of Babylon

Introduction: Pandering to Our Pride and Pleasure

  1. The Pride and Magnetism of Babylon

  2. The Punishment and Mourning for Babylon

  3. The People of the Mighty God Who Undoes Babylon

South Cities Kids

  1. Kids, do you remember what Babylon represents? Do you remember what Revelation is talking about when it talks about Babylon? 

    It's a place, city, nation that has believed the lies that sin is normal, good, and a better way to live than following what Jesus says. Do you remember the beasts? The first beast is a picture of a place that tries to make sin legal and normal. The second beast is a picture of people that try to make us trust and love that sin. So, Babylon is place (even if that place is in our hearts!) that lets sin become normal and something we want more than Jesus. 

    Are there any areas of your life that right now are more important to you than Jesus? 

  2. What are some things we see about Babylon? 

    Babylon looks strong and mighty and beautiful and fancy on the outside. It makes people want to be around this city. That's what sin does. 

    Maybe you see those new shoes, or that new dress, or some new toy, or see what other people have and you really want it. You think it will make you happy. Babylon is kind of like that - it makes us believe doing certain things or having certain things will make us happier than Jesus can make us. 

  3. Will Babylon last? Will it always be strong and great? 

    No. Because in the end, God is stronger than all other powers. God has to punish sin. It's right for him to punish sin because sin is evil. 

    All sin will be punished someday - either forever in a place called hell - which is horrible and sad - OR if you trust in Jesus - he can take the punishment for you on the cross and you can fully, freely, and forever his! 

  4. If we trust in Jesus, how do we respond to Babylon? How do we live? 

    Verse 4 says, "come out from her"! That means don't keep believing the lies about how good and normal sin is. It means run away from sin in Babylon and run to Jesus. It means to stay close to Jesus and to know that he's better and that being with him brings joy forever - not just a little joy now that will someday be punished. 

    It means we worship him for his power and his goodness. And it means that if we trust Jesus - we try to help other people see that Jesus is better too and not be tricked by Babylon. 

    Do you know anyone in your life that you could pray for who might believe that Babylon is better than Jesus? Do you have any sins in your life you'd like to talk to Jesus about? Do you trust Jesus to forgive your sins and want to follow him? 


“Praise for Holy Redemption and Retribution” — Pastor Dave Zuleger


“The Bride, the ‘Beauty’, The Beast” — Pastor Daniel Viezbicke