“Christ Will Reign Forever” — Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Revelation 11:15-19 — Christ Will Reign Forever

Introduction: Rest for the Weary Redeemed

  1. Reality of His Full and Final Reign (vv.15-17)

  2. Retribution of His Reign for the Rebellious (vv. 18-19)

  3. Reward of His Reign for the Redeemed (vv.18-19) 

South Cities Kids

  1. The seventh trumpet (like the 7th seal and the 7th bowl) represents the final salvation and judgment of God. Why do you think God wants us to know what it will be like at the very end? 

  2. What do you think it will be like when Jesus reigns and there is no sin and no suffering and evil in the world? Can you imagine a world like that? 

  3. How does the cross show us both the forgiveness of sin and the punishment for sin? Who is a sinner in this world? Who needs Jesus to forgive them? 

  4. Do you trust in Jesus to forgive your sins? Do you know someone who needs to trust in Jesus. Let's start praying for them to know Jesus this week. 


“The Great Throw Down: Satan Cast Down and Conquered” — Pastor Daniel Viezbicke


“Oppressed and Overcoming” — Pastor Dave Zuleger