“The Great Throw Down: Satan Cast Down and Conquered” — Pastor Daniel Viezbicke

Sermon Outline

Revelation 12:1–17 — The Great Throw Down: Satan Cast Down and Conquered

Intro: The mastermind behind the henchmen

  1. A woman’s womb conquers the devouring dragon (12:1–6)

  2. A war in heaven conquers the accusing dragon (12:7–12)

  3. A war on earth conquers the deceiving dragon (12:13–17)

CONCLUSION: One final conquering to crush the dragon

South Cities Kids

  1. Have you ever watched a fight between a good guy and a bad guy, in a TV show, a movie, or heard about one in a story? Did the bad guy win or lose? Bad guys always lose.

  2. In the Bible there's a story about a good guy defeating a bad guy, but in a surprising way. Read Revelation 12:1–6. Does this remind you of any other stories in the Bible? Christmas especially. 

  3. Why do you think Satan will lose? What reasons are there? Jesus defeats him by dying in our place, and being resurrected, and now ascending to heaven in our text. 

  4. Read Revelation 12:7–12. Why is everyone in heaven happy? Why are people are earth sad? Satan has come to earth, and he's angry. 

  5. Who gets to defeat Satan? Those who cling to Jesus by faith... that's what "blood of the Lamb" and word of testimony means. 

  6. What's a testimony? Do you have one? Maybe a parent/teacher can share their own testimony briefly. 


“A Call for Endurance” — Pastor Dave Zuleger


“Christ Will Reign Forever” — Pastor Dave Zuleger