“Peace in God’s Power” — Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Peace in God's Power: Zephaniah 2:5–3:7 

Introduction: Rejecting or Rejoicing in God's Righteousness

  1. Rejection Out There and In Here of the Lord (2:5-3:7) 

  2. Remnant Take Refuge in the Lord (2:7, 9, 3:12-13) 

  3. Righteous Radiance of the Lord (2:5-3:7) 

Application: Eternal Ruin or Refuge? 

South Cities Kids

  1. What does it mean that God is righteous? 

  2. If God is our Creator and is righteous, then how should we think about listening to him? 

  3. Why do you think we still choose to disobey him so often? What should we do when we disobey him? 

  4. Why does God need to punish sin? How can we have eternal life with God instead of eternal punishment? Do you want that? 

  5. Let's take a moment to thank God that Jesus took our punishment so we could be safe in him. 

  6. What's one thing you can work this week to obey what God says is good?


“Rejoicing in God’s Refining” — Dave Zuleger


“Hope in Being Hidden” — Dave Zuleger