“Rejoicing in God’s Refining” — Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Rejoicing in God's Refining: Zephaniah 3:8-13

Introduction: Joy to the World, The Lord Has Come

  1. Wait for the Testimony of the Lord

  2. A Jealous Purifying for Global Praise

  3. A Shameless People Caught Up in Godward Praise 

Application: Joy in the Jealous Cross  

South Cities Kids

  1. We sing "Joy to the World" because Jesus is coming back soon. Why does it bring us joy that Jesus will come back? Is it a joy for everyone? What about those who don't trust him?

  2. Jesus sees all of our thoughts, hears all of our words, and sees all of our actions. Have you ever sinned? As you live your life do you think about Jesus seeing all you say and do?

  3. When Jesus comes back, he will punish those who don't ask for forgiveness from their sins and will save all those who ask for forgiveness. Have you asked him for forgiveness? Do you know you need his forgiveness?

  4. There is a day coming when all those who have trusted in Jesus are saved and will never sin again! Are you excited for that day? Are you excited for a day when no one will ever be mean, harsh, angry, steal, lie, cheat, or hurt anyone else? Are you excited to be with Jesus forever?

  5. How do we get all of this forgiveness? If God has to punish sin—how do we not get punished? Because Jesus took our punishment for us on the cross. Let's stop and thank God for the cross today.


“Love in God’s Loud Singing” — Dave Zuleger


“Peace in God’s Power” — Dave Zuleger