“Authority, Submission, and the Lordship of Christ” —Bruce Power

Sermon Outline:

Authority, Submission and the Lordship of Christ
Ephesians 6:1–9

  1. Introduction: Submitting to Christ by properly relating to authority.

  2. How Children Serve Christ (v 1–3)

  3. How Fathers Serve Christ (v 4)

  4. How Slaves serve Christ (v 5–8)

  5. How Masters Serve Christ (v 9)

  6. Conclusion: We are all servants of Christ and are in positions where we must submit to authority sometimes and lovingly lead others for their good and flourishing at other times.

South Cities Kids

Read Ephesians 6:1–9

  1. Can you think of a time when you disobeyed your parents? Why did you do it? (Teachers: get them to think seriously, not just about what they did, but WHY they did it (or didn’t do it)).

  2. (Read Eph 6:1-3 then ask) Why does the Bible say you should obey your parents? (Because it’s right. Because it shows them honor. Because it honors the Lord)

  3. Are there any times when we should NOT obey the adults in our lives? (If they should ask us to do something that God says is wrong.)

  4. Read vss 5-9. What does it mean to do something by way of “eye-service” as “people pleasers”? (Teachers: after giving the kids a chance to respond, explain what these mean).

  5. God is very concerned not only that you obey but that you do it with a right heart (Teachers: emphasize “sincerity of heart”, “as to the Lord” etc from these verses). Why do you think this is? (Make sure to emphasize that outward performance without a right heart is not what God wants. God’s will is good for us and he wants us to do it with joy.)


“Fighting the Battle Jesus Has Already Won” — Dave Zuleger


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