“The Mystery Manifested in Marriage” —Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline:

The Mystery Manifested in Marriage — Ephesians 5:22-33

Introduction: Authority of Counsel and Command

  1. The Mystery - Christ and the Church (vv31-33)

  2. The Wives - Choosing Submission (vv22-24)

  3. The Husbands - Authority of Counsel (vv25-30)


Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. What is the difference between authority of command and authority of counsel? Which ones do we believe husbands have in marriage?

  2. What does it mean that wives should submit to their husband? What does it not mean? Are all women supposed to submit to all men?

  3. How are husbands called to love their wives? What are some characteristics of that love?

  4. How does creation confirm these roles? How does the Fall confirm these roles (Gen. 2-3)?

  5. What is all of this pointing to? What picture is meant to be seen?

South Cities Kids

Read Ephesians 5:22-33

  1. What does it mean to be married? Do you know God says that people that are married are supposed to act together on a team like they are one?

  2. Have you ever been on a team before? Do different people have different jobs to do? Are all the jobs important?

  3. What does God say wives should do on the team of marriage? What do you think this means? (trying to follow, help, and love their husbands as they lead)

  4. What does God say husbands should do on the team of marriage? What do you think this means?  (trying to help the family love Jesus more, leading the family with the Bible and prayer, and sacrificing for the family)

  5. What is marriage supposed to help us understand better? 
    (the way Jesus loves the church so much that he died for us and the way the church loves to follow Jesus - even though husbands aren't perfect like Jesus)

  6. Do you know that Jesus loves you and that he died for you?


“Authority, Submission, and the Lordship of Christ” —Bruce Power


“Walk” —Pastor Dave Zuleger