“From Far-Off to Family” —Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

From Far-Off to Family
Ephesians 2:11–22

Introduction: What holds us together?

  1. Far-Off Foreigners from Christ (vv.11-12)

  2. Brought Near as Family in Christ (vv. 13-18)

  3. One Holy Temple in Christ (vv. 19-22)

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. How were the Gentiles far off from God? Why is this such a helpless situation for them?

  2. How have they been brought near? What did Jesus accomplish by his blood?

  3. What is the main theme of this passage?

  4. How does vertical peace sink into our hearts enough to help us move towards horizontal peace?  

  5. What does it mean that the dividing wall has been torn down and we are the new people of God? What privileges to the people of God - all saved by his blood - have now?

  6. Are there any believers you have broken peace with? What steps can you take to move towards them again?

  7. Are there any believers you have disagreements about important things with? Is the gospel more important? Pray that you'd believe it is and move towards them to make peace.


“God’s Global Gospel Mission in the Church” —Pastor Dave Zuleger


“Saved by God’s Power, Created for God’s Purposes” —Pastor Dave Zuleger