“Saved by God’s Power, Created for God’s Purposes” —Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Saved by God's Power, Created for God's Purposes
Ephesians 2:1–10

Introduction: Don't Lose Your Wonder

  1. Dead and Walking in Sin (vv. 1–3)

  2. Made Alive by Great Love (vv. 4–9)

  3. Alive and Walking in Christ (v. 10)

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. How does Paul describe the situation of humanity without Christ? How dire is it? What can be done to save ourselves? 

  2. How does the hopelessness of saving ourselves change how you view the world around you that doesn't know or follow Jesus? 

  3. Why does Paul say that God saved us? How does the reason he saved us move your heart?

  4. What does the salvation of God entail in this passage? List the things that are now ours in Christ. 

  5. Can we boast in this salvation? If not, then how should that change the disposition of our heart?

  6. How are we to walk now? What good works is God calling you to right now? What is one step you can take to walk in the new life you have today? 


“From Far-Off to Family” —Pastor Dave Zuleger


“Prayer for an Empowered Church” —Pastor Dave Zuleger