Dave Zuleger
Pastor for Preaching & Vision
Pastor Dave grew up in Wisconsin, so he’s used to the cold. However, he has grown to increasingly desire higher temperatures for more of the year. Dave is married to Kelly and is glad to say she’s his favorite person to hang out with and keeps him grounded. They have four kids and count it a deep joy to care for, wrestle with, dance with, coach, read with, and simply spend time with them as they all seek to walk with and toward Jesus together. He loves basketball and enjoys watching, playing, and coaching his boys. He didn’t start out as a dancer, but now claims to be a pretty good one. He does daddy-daughter dance with his oldest daughter and dances informally often with his family. Dave loves Jesus and counts it an immense privilege and joy to get to study each week to know Jesus more and then make him known to South Cities Church, which he counts as family. His great motivation in ministry is seeking to help people truly love God with all their hearts, love their neighbors as themselves, and see disciples made from all peoples near and far.
Dave grew up in a Christian home and is grateful for the foundations that it brought. However, it wasn't until late high school and early on in college when God invaded Dave's life and brought about new seriousness, joy, conviction, and comfort in the gospel. Dave can remember a night when he opened the Bible and began reading, and it felt like the most real, relevant, restoring, and refreshing reality in the world. That reality hasn't stopped since that day. While there have been ups and downs in sanctification like anyone else, Dave can see Jesus as a Good Shepherd, continually working to draw him further and deeper into true, sweet fellowship with him.
The experience of the gospel and fellowship with Jesus being the most transformative reality in the world began a journey towards vocational ministry. Dave's father-in-law has been a faithful pastor for a long time, which gave Dave a close look at what shepherding looked like from the pulpit, in counseling, in hospital rooms, and in leading a people to know and love Jesus more and make disciples. He was drawn to it. After several opportunities to preach and lead a small group, Dave applied to seminary and got training to move towards vocational ministry in a local church. Dave loves being a pastor.
In early 2018, Dave was asked to consider applying for the position of Campus Pastor at the South Campus of Bethlehem Baptist Church. Dave and his family had attended the South Campus during his time in seminary, so he had a heart for the people there and even a sense of God's long-term calling there eventually. Through a long, prayerful process, Dave accepted that role and started in the Fall of 2018. Through continued looking at the word of God and an increased desire to preach and lead the family that God was forming in the south suburbs, Dave has been overjoyed to see the South Campus become South Cities Church. He considers it a joy and privilege to work with the elders and staff at South Cities to equip the people here to grow closer to Jesus themselves and make much of Jesus in these south cities and beyond. He's excited to labor towards that end as long as Jesus has him here.