“Blessed Are Those Who Read, Hear, and Keep” — Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Revelation 1:1–8: Blessed Are Those Who Read, Hear, and Keep 

Introduction: What Did God Want for His People in this Book? 

  1. Marveling at the What of Revelation

  2. Marveling at the Triune God of Revelation

  3. Marveling at Eternal Hope of Revelation

South Cities Kids

Revelation 1:1–8 

  1. What does revelation mean? (It just means unveiling or showing something that is hidden) What kind of things are in this kind of writing? (pictures, events, numbers are used to represent things)
    Revelation tries to help us see what is true by using pictures to get our attention and help us see things better than if we just wrote it down. 

  2. What is a letter? Why do you write a letter to someone? Jesus writes this letter to the churches to help them know how to keep trusting him even when things are hard and the world doesn't love Jesus. 
    Isn't it amazing that Jesus would write a letter to the church and that he cares about us this much?

  3. What does it mean that God is the Alpha and Omega? It's like saying he is the "A" all the way to the "Z". Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the alphabet in Greek and so this is the way for God to tell us that he's always been here in control of all things and he'll always be here in control of all things. 
    If he's in control - we can trust him. 

  4. What does it mean that Jesus has freed us from our sins by his blood? Have you trusted in Jesus to do this for you? Does it give you hope? What could be more important than being saved from your sins? 


“The Risen Christ and His Church” — Dave Zuleger


“Living Between Two Victories: The Message of Revelation” — Daniel Viezbicke