“Walk His Way, Talk His Way” —Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline:

Walk His Way, Talk His Way — Ephesians 4:17-32

Introduction: A Community That Creates New Categories 

  1. Futile Minds, Hard Hearts (vv. 17-19)

  2. Renewed Minds, Holy Hearts (vv. 20-24)

  3. Renewed Lives, His Heart (vv. 25-32)


South Cities Kids - Read vv. 17-32

  1. Why does Paul say about those who do not know God? How do they think? How do they act?

  2. How can we help those who don't know God? (help them know him!) 

  3. What does Paul say is different about those who have been saved by Jesus? (we can act in love and have new life in Jesus! We have the Holy Spirit to actually obey!)

  4. Are there any areas you know you need to obey but have a hard time doing it? What could you do? (ask God for help) 

  5. Read each of the characteristics in 25-32 and simply ask kids to think about if they have lied, stolen, been angry, been harsh, and to ask God for forgiveness and help. 

  6. What are the commands of Christ meant to do? (Lead us into the life of Christ) And if the church will listen to Jesus - how will it show how beautiful Jesus is to the world? 

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. How are the commands of Christ meant to function in the life of the church?

  2. How do we obey the commands of Christ? What's the difference between us and those who don't believe?

  3. Why does Paul tie so many commands (imperatives) back to gospel truths (indicatives)?

  4. How can the church shine forth the beauty of the gospel in word and deed?

  5. Are there any commands of Jesus you've been walking in disobedience to? Take some time now and repent and then ask God for help.

  6. Are there any people you need to ask for forgiveness from? Take a step now and move towards that in humility knowing you are secure in Jesus.


“Walk” —Pastor Dave Zuleger


“God’s Plan for Church Growth” —Pastor Daniel Viezbicke