“The Power at Work Within Us” —Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Ephesians 3:14-21: The Power at Work Within Us

Introduction: What the Church Needs Most

Praying to the Father for the church to.. (vv.14-15)

1. Strengthened by the Spirit to Fellowship With Christ (vv.16-17)

2. Strengthened To Know the Fullness of His Unknowable Love (vv. 18-19) 

3. Strengthened for the Glory of God in Christ and His Church (vv.20-1)

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. What do you think you need most in the world?

  2. What is prayer? Why do we pray?

  3. How does the Holy Spirit strengthen us to know God's love for us?

  4. How does Christ dwell in us by faith? What does this mean practically?

  5. Why do you think Paul wants the church to know the love of God that surpasses knowledge?  Why does it matter?

  6. Is it ok that Paul is praying for an experience? What is the difference between knowing in your head someone loves you and feeling that someone loves you?

  7. How has God proved his love for us in Christ?

  8. Read verses 19-21 - why is this a fitting end to the section we just read?


“God’s Plan for Church Growth” —Pastor Daniel Viezbicke


“God’s Global Gospel Mission in the Church” —Pastor Dave Zuleger