Lent: Week 1


Fasting Suggestion: Food 

Some of you may consider skipping a meal here and there while others may decide to fast for several days. As your stomach grumbles, may it cause you to hunger for more of Jesus and seek him in the word and prayer this week.  

Verse to Memorize: Review Revelation 5:1–6

Devotional by Pastor Dave Zuleger 

And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, with seven horns and with seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth.––Revelation 5:6

What better place to start than with the picture of Jesus as the perfect, spotless Lamb of God who conquered through his death and resurrection? Yes, Jesus is the Lion of Judah and will return one day and bring final judgment to all who oppose him, and bring all who trust him to himself forever. But the way he purchased these people who trust him is to pay for their sins with his blood. 

To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood.––Revelation 1:6

If Christ conquered through suffering––and ultimately death,  then how much more should we expect to follow in his footsteps as his disciples? We do not need to seek out suffering, but as we contemplate the life of following Jesus during this season of Lent, we remember that our Savior paid for our pardon with his own blood. Our King paid for our citizenship by a criminal's death on a cross. Therefore, we humbly seek to follow him, accepting whatever suffering might come for the sake of his Name––knowing that it is full of purpose and will ultimately lead us all the way home to our King. 


Lent: Week 2


Perseverance in Prayer