“The Missionary Prayer of Psalm 67” — David Livingston

Sermon Outline

The Missionary Prayer of Psalm 67

Introduction: Why has God's grace come to us? To deliver us from disliking and distrusting him, thinking he's a miserable, demanding taskmaster. And to grow you into the likeness of himself so that we join him in filling the world with his own divine joy and beauty. Because God fills us with joy in him we begin to bubble over with it to those around us.

Psalm 67 shows this in . . . 

  1. The center of the psalm (v. 4)

  2. The repeated refrains of the psalm (vss. 3 & 5)

  3. The blessed theme of the psalm (vss. 1-2 & 6-7)

Conclusion:  Our blessed fear and the world's . . . 

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  1. What happens when you shake a can of pop and then open it?  Is that anything like being a missionary sharing the good news about Jesus? Like feeling something so good inside you have to bubble over to others . . . 

  2. This psalm is a song in which God wants us to know (and sing!) important things about himself; two of them are in v. 2 and two more in v. 4. Name them: God's . . . 

    a) Way, b) Saving power, c) That he judges, and d) That he guides

  3. How do you know from this psalm that God wants everybody in the world to know these four things about him? What words tell you that?
    All nations, all the peoples, all the ends of the earth

  4. What other words in this psalm can tell the whole world that God is full of happiness and beauty, that he can be really be enjoyed? gracious, bless us, his face can shine on us, praise, be glad, sing for joy

  5. At least 2 of the things God meant this psalm-song writer to say about him point directly to his Son, Jesus: 

    a. Jesus is "the shining face of Jesus" (v. 1): (see 2 Corinthians 4:6)

    b. Jesus is God's way (v. 2): (see John 14:6)

  6. Who is somebody who doesn't know these wonderful things about God and his Son, Jesus? You can tell this week before next Sunday and have us pray for them today? Do you love and trust Jesus yourself? You can and so can everybody you tell.


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