“A Call for Wisdom” — Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Revelation 13:11-18: A Call for Wisdom

Introduction: Wisdom and Endurance: Stay Close to Jesus 

  1. The Deceptive Power of the Second Beast

  2. The Deceptive Purpose of the Second Beast

  3. The Deceptive Persecution of the Second Beast 

  4. The Divine Perception of the Saints

South Cities Kids Questions

  1. What do you think Jesus is trying to tell us about this beast that looks like a Lamb but speaks like a dragon? 
    Do you remember another Lamb we saw? (chapter 5- Jesus - the sacrifice for our sins!) 
    Satan wants all the ways he uses his power to look good. He wants to make sin look good and normal. But, when we listen to the words he says - we can hear a difference between what he wants and what Jesus wants. 

  2. Why do you think this says the second beast does great signs? 
    He's trying to look good and powerful. And sin and Satan do have some power in the world, don't they? But, he's trying to look powerful so that we think maybe his ways are better than the ways of Jesus. 

  3. Why does he try to look good and powerful? Well this says so he can make people worship him. 
    Can you think of things that look good or sound good - but Jesus says they are not good. 

  4. You remember earlier in Revelation the people of God "had God's name written on their foreheads." It was an invisible mark to say that they belonged to God. 
    We see an invisible mark on all those who follow the beast here. What do you think that means? It means they belong to the beast! 
    These are not real marks - they are just meant to show that some people worship Jesus and some people worship the beast.

  5. Why do you think when sin is tricking people it might get harder for God's people who do not belong to the beast? 

  6. How can we have wisdom to know what is real and what is false? How can we stay close to Jesus? 
    Word, prayer, other Christians, church


“Freed to Follow” — Pastor Dave Zuleger


“A Call for Endurance” — Pastor Dave Zuleger