“A Might Angel, A Little Scroll” — Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Revelation 10: A Mighty Angel, A Little Scroll

Introduction: The Unlikely Triumph of Suffering

  1. Divine Sovereignty (vv.1-3)

  2. Divine Secrecy  (v.4)

  3. Divine Certainty (vv.5-7)

  4. Divine Sweetness (vv.8-10)

  5. Divine Speaking (v.11)

SC Kids

  1. Does this "mighty angel" remind you of anyone?
    He has lots of "divine" characteristics we've already seen. He looks and sounds like what we've seen with Jesus and God in the heavenly throne room (ch. 1, 4, 5). Some people think this is Jesus. Other think this is an angel with those characteristics to represent God. 

  2. Either way - it's supposed to point us to the throne room of God. Why does this being put one foot on the land and one foot on the waters? 
    To show that God is in control of all things in all places. The sea is where the beast will come from later. The land shows he's in charge of the place where those who go against him live. He reigns. He rules. He always has and always will. 

  3. Why is John told not to write down the "seven thunders?"
    We don't know! And we don't know what they are. This is a lesson for us that we don't need to understand or know everything to trust God. He has given us enough to trust him. So, when we don't know everything, that's ok. 

  4. Because God is sovereign (question 1) - he can guarantee that all of his promises will come to pass. What is the "mystery" being talked about? 
    Well, back in Daniel, God told Daniel he didn't get to know how the end would come. Now, God has revealed how the end would come. The end started to come when Jesus came and died for our sins and rose again to conquer death. The end will finally end when Jesus returns to make all things new. 
    Between those times. God will be with his people who trust in Jesus and they will be with him forever even though they suffer now. And God will be against those people who don't trust in Jesus - and they will be punished forever.

  5. Why do you think this news was "sweet" and "bitter" to John when he ate it?
    Sweet because of salvation. Bitter because of judgment. 


“Oppressed and Overcoming” — Pastor Dave Zuleger


“No Christ, No Hope” — Pastor Dave Zuleger