“The Trap of Tolerance” — Bruce Power

Sermon Outline

Revelation 2:18–29— “The Trap of Tolerance”

Main point: Jesus is calling us to faithfully hold fast and not give in to a tolerance that’s untethered from truth.

  1.  The Jesus Who Knows His Church (vss 18–19)

  2. The Trap of Tolerance (vss 20–23)

  3. Encouraging the Remnant (vss 24–29)

Where are we tempted to grow tolerant of sin and compromise?

South Cities Kids

  1. Have you ever been in a situation where everybody else’s opinion about something is different from yours?

  2. How did you handle it? Were you tempted to change your opinion to fit in with the others

  3. Do you think it would be ok to worship God and to worship someone of something else if it would make you get along with others better? (Teachers: trying to help them understand the concept of “syncretism” even if they don’t know the word)

  4. What does it mean to tolerate something? (Teachers: make sure they understand what this word means.)

  5. Should a church tolerate things that the Bible says are wrong so that more people feel welcomed in our church? (Teachers: see if they can think this through for themselves. They should feel a bit of tension between the desire to be loving and welcoming and compromising on wrong teaching or behavior)

  6. What does it mean to “hold fast” to something? (Teachers: read vs 25. Make sure they understand what it means to hold fast to God’s truth)


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