“The Diverse Work of the Divine Word” — Dave Zuleger

Matthew 4:1-11: The Diverse Work of the Divine Word

Introduction: The Word and the Fight of Faith (vv. 1-2)

The Word settles us in God against...

  1. Idolatry of Comfort (vv.3-4)

  2. Idolatry of Control (vv. 5-6) 

  3. Idolatry of Consequence (vv. 7-10)


South Cities Kids

Read Matthew 4:1-11

  1. It's important to have the right tool to accomplish a job right? You can't hammer a nail with a balloon can you? And you don't decorate for a birthday party with hammers? 
    After listening to this passage—what is a really important tool that Jesus uses when he is tempted by Satan? 

  2. What is temptation? Are you ever tempted to sin? 

  3. What is one way you can fight temptation like Jesus did?

  4. You should talk to your parents and make a plan with them for how you might read and memorize the Bible as a family this year. 

  5. What is the ultimate goal of reading the Bible and fighting temptation?  (that we'd enjoy and fellowship more with Jesus) 


“Humble, Hallowing Hearts” — Dave Zuleger


“Love in God’s Loud Singing” — Dave Zuleger