South Cities Church Member Covenant
Approved 11-08-2022
On the profession of our faith in the Lord Jesus, having been baptized as a believer, we do now joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ.
We commit, with God’s help, to welcome and test the teaching of the scriptures by the elders which accords with the Elder Affirmation of Faith, to affirm and adhere to the doctrine expressed in the Congregational Affirmation of Faith, to regularly attend corporate worship, and to contribute to the finances, ministry, and holiness of this church.
We commit, with God’s help, to personally pursue God in the word and prayer, seek the salvation of our loved ones and neighbors, and to live in a way that is above reproach in all of our dealings, guarding the reputation of Christ and his church.
We commit, with God’s help, to love, watch over, and care for the members of this church, to disciple and pray for our children if we have them, to be slow to take offense, quick to seek repentance and reconciliation, and to outdo one another in showing honor.
When we remove from this place, we commit, with God’s help, to join with a like-minded church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant.
Finally, we commit, with God’s help, to operate in familial love in all things, agreeing to adhere to the official documents and policies which govern our life together, including the Policy for Discipline and Distancing and the Child Protection Policy.