2024 Scripture Memorization

To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.––2 Thessalonians 1:11–12

Dear South Cities Family, 

It’s about that time of year––a bunch of resolutions will get made. And I think, in general, that’s a good thing. God has called us to himself and prepared good works for us to walk in. We belong to him and we get to represent him with our lives––minds, bodies, words, and resources wherever we are. 

That’s the simple reality in this passage: Paul is praying that God would work with such power that every resolve for good and every work of faith would be fulfilled. God wants us to make good resolves, and he wants to empower us to live out all that is good, right, and true. Why? 

So that the name of Jesus is glorified. Therefore, while we don’t find our identity in any of the works we do––we do find great joy in seeing the Lord transform us, reorient us, and restore us in ways that show how good and beautiful he is. Take some time and look at basic areas of your life: fellowship with God (word/prayer), fruitfulness in family (healthy relationships and rhythms), faithfulness in fitness (healthy eating/exercise), and fruitfulness in your vocation (faithful hard work and balance) and ask God to change you for good that his Name would be great. 

We can’t do it on our own, but it’s good to dream and plan and ask God to come and empower us and change us. He wants to help. He wants to draw near so that you might become more like him and so the world will see how good he is. 

One Resolve We Should All Have: Memorize the Word and Pray Together

Every year as a church, we memorize a portion of the Bible together. This past year, we memorized some Psalms. If you memorized a significant portion of those with us, please email the office to let us know! We’d love to hear from you. 

This year, we will memorize Revelation 5 and 21 together (plan here). We memorize the Bible because it gives us doses of reality that we need in a world of distractions. It gives us hope in a world of despair. It gives us power to sustain us against a world full of temptation and sin. It gives rest in a world that calls us to constant engagement and no margin. It gives us sturdy, gospel joy in a world of much suffering and hardship. 

So, will you join us in memorizing this year for the sake of reality, hope, power, rest, and joy for you and those around you? Memorizing makes scripture readily available to you whenever you need it. I promise that if you’ll dive in, you’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish in the next year! We’ve made the pace sustainable and reasonable so that you can really meditate and enjoy it as you go. 

And will you join us on January 3, to kick off 2024 with worship and prayer at Abide with us? We’d love to see you there. 

Resolving, memorizing, and praying with you,

Pastor Dave


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