Presence Is Powerful

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ––2 Corinthians 13:14

Dear South Cities Family, 

Life moves fast. There are lots of things going on. There are lots of opportunities from lots of places to take our time and energy. I don’t think I’m the only one that can feel frazzled by the frenetic pace and opportunities. 

One of the lessons I relearned this summer was how powerful presence is. To really engage, love, understand, and experience things you need time. Not hurried time. Not frantic time. Not quick, in-passing conversations, but enough time to feel like you’ve really been with someone. This is true in our relationship with the Lord, our blood-bought family, or our neighbors around us. 

It’s amazing how often the Bible talks about God being with us and how often the Bible encourages us to love each other in ways that would actually require us to be together enough to know each other. And yet it’s amazing how little we can feel the grace, love, and fellowship of our triune God, practically, in our daily lives. It’s amazing how alone we can feel in a crowd of people on Sunday morning. 

And it’s not just us. Statistically, every sociological study coming out in recent years points to loneliness rising and a deep need for belonging. I’m just praying for myself and our family here at South Cities that God gives us wisdom to “make the best use of the time” in ways that matter eternally. 

How will we walk more closely with Jesus and be strengthened by the Spirit to experience his love for us? Being with him. In the word. In prayer. 

How will we walk more closely with each other––to point each other to Jesus and his goodness and beauty? Being with each other. Come on Sundays. Come on Wednesdays. Find a few people that you can share life with and that can point you to Jesus. 

How will we love our neighbors around us who so desperately need hope, joy, forgiveness, and belonging in Christ? Being with them. Making time in our lives to actually see them, listen to them, love them, and know them. 

God has worked in Christ to be with us. We have 24/7 access to him. I’m praying we’d be a people seeking to always “make the best use of the time” for things that will matter for eternity and clear our schedules enough to experience the power of presence––with God, with each other, and with our neighbors. This looks different for every person and every family. This is not a guilt trip of condemnation but a reminder of an invitation into all that God might have for us in our relationship with him, our family here, and those people that he’s placed us in close proximity to––whether neighborhoods, workplaces, families, gyms, schools, sports, or anywhere else. 

Presence is powerful. But, it takes time. 

Seeking more purposeful presence with you, 

Pastor Dave


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